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Choosing the Right Adult Trike
There could never be an experience as fun and exhilarating as riding on a trike. For as long as you have the right trike, you are good to go. You will note that unless you choose the right equipment, you will barely have fun in your experience. But, just how do you choose the right trike? We explore a few aspects that could help in selecting the right trike for your experience in the long run.
It is imperative that you pay attention to the position of the trike. Usually, you will need to choose between a recumbent adult trike and one that is upright. You will also witness that we have semi-recumbent trikes too. Whichever option you go for, you will learn that it is suitable for your cardio exercises. For the semi-recumbent and recumbent trikes, the user will often be relatively stretched out as well as lower to the ground. That shows that the weight and even space disbursement will be relatively spread out. For this reason, you will enjoy less intensity. Upright bikes are more suitable for hand placement, back as well as seat comfort. This way, they help in relieving pressure on the back.
It will also be necessary for you to choose the right seat, which is often between a saddle seat and a sling one. You will witness that upright adult trikes tend to feature wide, comfortable, as well as saddle-style seats. With a trike that is properly-sized, it will be easier for you to plant your feet on the ground whenever necessary. Stability will often ensure that you stop sharply, without worrying about tipping over. On the other hand, recumbent and semi-recumbent have sling seats, which could be contoured, nylon, or padded platforms. They offer more back support besides ensuring that you can barely tip over whenever you start or even stop suddenly.
Nothing could be as important as the weight capacity of the trike. In most cases, you will have to choose between a traditional and a bariatric trike. Often, manufacturers determine the weight of each model. For this reason, it is upon you to compare and choose a weight that tends to be ideal for you. The upright trikes often limit the range of weight of between 200 and 350 pounds. The recumbent trikes could take up the weight of up to 400 pounds. Bariatric trikes often have a limit of about 500 pounds. It is upon you to pick one that will accommodate you accordingly.
It will also be convenient to pay attention to the types of handlebars that they have. Whether they have traditional, loop, or chopper handlebars, you will need to give priority to your comfort. Pick something that gives you the best experience at the end of the day. Mostly, traditional curved handlebars are found on upright bikes. They boost the strength in the upper part of the body. Loop handlebars are suitable for those with weaker arms while the chopper handlebars call for the use of more strength.